Monday, October 3, 2016



It's been a long time coming, it's been too fucking long, a long and winding broken shards of glass road. No Yellow Bricks on this fucker. Quicksand and glass. That would be a great name for a store.  Forget all that hoity toity fancy shmancy stuff like, clouds and rainbows or earth and table or crate and barrel, no no, lets go with... fire and oil or thorns and fleas. 

But I digress. Been a long road many stories to tell, one being written as we speak and some way somehow I need to be able to pay my bills, like the rest of you loving cups, but I cannot go gentle into that office or warehouse or restaurant. 

I need to be in a studio, The Darkness playing, (live in my studio would be great), covered in clay - me but hmmm that is a nice thought The Darkness covered in clay ala ghost. 

What was I talking about? Oh yeah, overalls, clay, dust, music, art.  I have tried MANY MANY times and failed like a champ to have a "normal" job. I wasn't fired from them per-se, I fired myself, (though there was that one firing episode from Borders back in the day) but like Henry Miller "I am like a bullshit spotlight" or something like that he said in The Tropic of Cancer, or Capricorn.  He couldn't hold a job very long, as he would get fired for this or that but mostly because he couldn't help but point out how totally fucking stupid everything is. 

That isn't saying there is not joy to be had, and pockets of awesomeness hidden amongst the piles of shit, but we live in a society built on fear and doubt so to anyone who has been able to let their freak flag fly and make it without succumbing to "the man" I salute you. Fairy Cakes I love you wherever you are. 

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